Online tool: Electronic Duty of Care (EDOC)
6 September 2018
The Government’s online electronic duty of care (edoc) system was administered and managed by Resource Futures and provided a flexible electronic system for tracking waste.
EDOC was launched in January 2014 as a free-to-use, safe and secure online alternative to traditional paper-based waste transfer notes, enabling businesses and organisations to save time, effort and money by streamlining the process of information exchange between parties and putting it entirely into the digital realm.
From 2015, Resource Futures undertook the role of directly supporting EDOC’s users and managing the process of regular updates to the system on behalf of the four UK devolved administrations. The company worked closely with the EDOC Management Board and its Technical Advisory Group, as well as supervising EDOC’s specialist IT contractor.
EDOC is a secure system, available for all to use, with functionality that allowed waste producers to track their waste to the point of final disposal or recovery, and to interchange collectors with ease. In monitoring the collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste materials, EDOC also fulfilled a much needed information gap, improving the accuracy of waste data from businesses and organisations.
Providing an online tool to replace manual data reporting systems, the system automated the storage and recovery of data for businesses, providing waste producers with access to information about their waste flows. This allowed businesses to critically appraise supply chains to ensure their waste was being handled properly and efficiently.