Resource Futures provides tool development support for WRAP’s Textiles 2030 tool for second year

11 October 2022

WRAP has commissioned Resource Futures to conduct a second phase of tool development on the Textiles 2030 environmental footprint calculator.

WRAP launched the new footprint calculator to signatories of Textiles 2030 in early 2022, following development by the team from Resource Futures, working collaboratively with WRAP.

The tool was utilised for the March reporting process. The calculator is being used to develop the Textiles 2030 baseline (2019) and first year’s progress (2021).

The initial tool development project included a discovery phase which developed and prioritised a list of signatories’ and WRAP’s requirements from the new calculator.

This new project will address key outstanding requests to update the structure and design of the footprint calculator. Meanwhile, WRAP will continue to work on extending and updating the data upon which the calculations are based.

“We’re delighted to be working with Resource Futures again on the ongoing development of the reporting capability for Textiles 2030.

“The footprint tool provides signatories with a tool for assessing where potential hotspots are in the full life cycle of their textiles’ products and a way to identify measurable actions to reduce their carbon and water footprints. We are working together with Resource Futures to extend the tool to make it fit for future use.”

Sarah Gray, Senior Research Analyst

Textiles 2030 is WRAP’s award-winning, ground-breaking initiative which is working to move the UK fashion and textiles industry away from a linear economy towards a circular economy, by utilising the knowledge and expertise of sustainability leaders.

It aims to create collaborative climate action amongst most UK fashion and textiles organisations. The initiative has targets on carbon and water, and a focus on using principles of the circular economy to make textiles more sustainable.

“We are pleased to continue to support WRAP and the Textiles 2030 signatories to accelerate the UK fashion and textiles industry towards a circular economy.

“This is an important piece of work which will further improve the functionality of the footprint calculator, which is essential in monitoring progress towards targets and understanding the impact of actions brands are implementing in their sustainability journey.”

George Cole, Director at Resource Futures

Textiles 2030 builds on the learning and success of the Sustainable Clothing Action Plan. Resource Futures also supported the development of the Sustainable Clothing Action Plan Progress Reports across multiple years.