Economic assessment of a potential ban on expanded polystyrene
1 October 2019
The UK Government’s 25 year plan has a specific target for eliminating ‘avoidable’ plastics by the end of 2042 and a target for significantly reducing, and where possible preventing, all kinds of marine plastic.
Each of the UK devolved governments are presently considering a range of legislative and voluntary measures aimed at reducing the use of plastics. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) wanted to better understand the qualitative and quantitative economic, environmental and social impacts of a potential ban on expanded polystyrene in England.
Resource Futures was commissioned to undertake a preliminary assessment of the impacts of a ban on expanded polystyrene. This report shows the findings from that assessment.
Read the report: A Preliminary Assessment of the Economic Impacts of a Potential Ban on Expanded Polystyrene Food and Beverage Containers.
The report was co-authored by Bernie Thomas, George Cole and Carla Worth Del Pino.