New report by Resource Futures sets out roadmap for reuse in Wales
16 July 2018
A new report by Resource Futures for WRAP Cymru and the Welsh government sets out a roadĀ map for a transformative shift in the way Wales deals with waste, through increasing reuse, and what this could mean for the environment and economy.
As well as reducing waste and environmental benefits, preparing waste for reuse can create jobs and save money for councils and citizens alike.
The Roadmap estimates the impact that increased preparation for reuse would have on the wider Welsh economy. As well as looking at the impact on the national reuse, recycling and composting rate, the Roadmap presents the outputs of modelling to estimate the impact with regard to: jobs and volunteer posts created; avoided greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; and direct and indirect added value to the economy resulting from increased preparation for reuse activity. It presents a view on the level of action and intervention that would be needed to achieve different levels of preparation for reuse, including a transformative paradigm shift in Wales.