Martin manages Community RePaint, a network of schemes that collect unwanted, surplus paint and re-distribute it to individuals, families and communities in need, thus improving the well-being of people and the appearance of places across the UK. As well as managing the Network, Martin works with local authorities and third sector organisations to develop different models of paint reuse. He also has experience of working with local communities and using a variety of engagement methods to assist and empower them to ‘own’ their projects. Within Resource Futures, he has previously helped to develop and manage long-term projects including schools’ education, community composting, recycling in flats, Community Action Groups, and Real Nappy projects.
Martin has experience of facilitating large community meetings, forums and focus groups, as well as mentoring and coaching individuals. His areas of expertise include project management, community engagement and establishing community groups ‘from scratch’, as well as advising on development issues. Prior to Resource Futures, Martin worked as a qualified teacher and a community development officer and spent 16 years with the YMCA, developing community projects, including two in sustainable waste management.
Martin Pearse
Services involved in
Waste Prevention, Reuse and Recycling
07976 538 925
LinkedIn martin-pearse